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Gulf Coast Regional Conference

Building Transition Capacity for Younger Teens

September 12-13, 2023

Tuesday, May 2

8 a.m., Greenway Foyer
8:50 a.m., Greenway Ballroom
Transition Assessment: Start Early and Start Right
9:55 a.m.
Coffee Break and Networking
10:10 a.m., Greenway Ballroom
Predictors and Practices for Positive Post-school Outcomes for Young Teens with Disabilities
11:20 a.m., Greenway Ballroom
Translating Assessment Data to Create Meaningful Transition Plans
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Lunch Buffet
Breakout Sessions, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
VR Counselors, Bluebonnet
What Does Transition Look Like at School?
Theresa Cortney, Ph.D., ESC 4 Transition Specialist
Educators, Sam Rayburn
Top Five Things for Educators to Know About VR
Erin Wilder, M.Ed., C.R.C. and Leigh Ann Godinez, C.R.C., L.P.C
2:30 p.m.
Break and Networking
2:45 p.m., Greenway Ballroom
Strengthening Your Local Team
4:15 p.m., Greenway Ballroom

Wednesday, May 3

8 a.m., Greenway Foyer
Coffee and Check-in
8:30 a.m., Greenway Ballroom
Building and Sustaining Local Partnerships
Facilitated by Robin Miller, M.S.
9:25 a.m., Greenway Ballroom
Planning for Success
11 a.m.
Coffee Break and Networking
11:15 a.m., Greenway Ballroom
Serving Younger Teens in Rural Areas: iGROW
12:15 p.m., Sunset C