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Affiliated Faculty Seminar Series: Seeing college as a possibility for all students: Transition to higher education for students with disabilities

Affiliated Faculty Seminar Series:

Supporting Students with IDD Through the Education Experience


About the seminar series:

Speaker: Marcia Montague and Dr. Carly Gilson
Tuesday, March 1st
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Rudder Tower Rm 401



Transition to higher education is often a goal for many students and families, yet all too many families of and students with disabilities do not see higher education as a viable possibility. In this presentation, Drs. Marcia Montague and Carly Gilson will discuss options for accessing postsecondary education for all students in Texas. Supports available, as well as key resources, will be identified.

Length of presentation:

1.5 hours

Short Bios

Montegue photo


Marcia Montague is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Special Education at Texas A&M University. She has over 20 years of experience in the special education field, combining her public school teaching and her work preparing pre-service and in-service teachers. Her research and service interests include a focus on equity in access for individuals with disabilities, including family empowerment and transition to higher education. Her efforts support partnerships with surrounding school districts and work with many Local Authorities on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (LIDDAs) in Texas.

Dr. Gilson

Dr. Carly Blustein Gilson is an assistant professor of special education in the Department of Educational Psychology. She is the founding faculty director of Aggie ACHIEVE, an inclusive postsecondary education program and a comprehensive transition program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Dr. Gilson’s research interests include preparing adolescents and young adults with IDD for integrated employment and inclusive higher education; supporting individuals and families through school-to-work transition; and equipping strong educational team collaborations among secondary special education teachers and paraprofessionals.


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