The Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University, in partnership with Texas Workforce Commission and Texas Education Agency, invites you to attend the inaugural “Gear Up -Texas” Statewide Capacity Building Conference, in Austin, TX on September 23-24, 2019.
Conference registration is free!
About the Conference
The project staff conducted eight focus groups across the state to identify the transition needs of our state and various regions. Based on the findings from the focus groups, our team developed and hosted six regional conferences to build the capacity of the transition teams in providing services for students with disabilities.
The Gear Up -Texas” Statewide Capacity Building Conference is the final piece to the capacity building project. It is intended to provide an opportunity for transition professionals in our state to collaborate as interagency teams, continue to build upon their knowledge base relative to services and resources, and set goals for the upcoming year. Your participation is essential to help build our statewide capacity for providing quality transition services to our students.
Who is invited to attend?
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and Navigators: Please reach out to your Regional Directors about attending!
Regional, District, and School Transition Specialists and Educators:
Contact information
Dalun Zhang, Ph.D.
Directory, Center on Disability and Development
Department of Educational Psychology
Texas A&M University
637C Harrington Tower
4225 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4225