Award recipients are Shannon Caldwell, Tony Antosh, Leslie Cohen, Amy Sharp, and Stephanie Weber
Photo courtesy of Denny Henry Photography for AUCD.
Dr. Amy Sharp, Research Scientist in the Department of Educational Psychology and Assistant Director of the Center on Disability and Development, was among four recipients awarded the 2014 Service to the Organization Award by the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD).
Sharp, who joined Texas A&M University in 2002, focuses on community outreach for the Center on Disability and Development. Sharp is the founder and Director of the Family Support Network and of Camp LIFE; both are outreach and support efforts for families who have members with disabilities. She holds a PhD in Educational Psychology.
The award was presented in appreciation of her service and leadership as the Chair of the Community Education and Dissemination Council (CEDC) and member of the AUCD Board of Directors at this year’s AUCD Conference. Dr. Sharp served for three years as Chair and three years as Vice Chair of the CEDC, three years on the AUCD Board of Directors, and is currently a member at large on the AUCD Council of Community Advocates.
“I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work with and be a part of the AUCD network. Our Center at Texas A&M has benefitted greatly from this national relationship; and this momentum continues as several members in our Center are in key leadership positions with AUCD councils as we move forward.”
The AUCD is a membership organization currently supporting a $600 million network that includes the Center for Disability and Development in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University. AUCD supports programs through leadership, advocacy, networking, promotion and technical assistance. To learn more about the AUCD visit the website.
The Center for Disability and Development in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University is a part of a national network of centers supporting the self –determination, community integration and quality of life of people with disabilities and their families. Since July 2005, the center has served as a resource to the community in the areas of education, research and service as relates to the needs of people with disabilities. Visit the website to learn more about the center an its many programs.