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Affiliated Faculty Seminar Series

Critical Aspects of Augmentative Communication Interventions for Learners with ASD and IDD

Affiliated Faculty Seminar Series:

Supporting Students with IDD Through the Education Experience


About the seminar series:

Speaker: Dr. Erinn Whiteside
Tuesday, February 1st
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Rudder Tower Rm 401



Please join us for a brief overview of the evaluation and IEP process! Key topics will include explanations of common terms and abbreviations from the “special education world,” timeline of evaluation processes and ARD requirements, key  players in the process, related laws and policies, and how YOU can help support the process. This presentation may be helpful for family members, general educators, administrators, service providers, and self-advocates themselves.

Length of presentation:

1.5 hours

Erinn Whiteside photo

Short Bio

Dr. Whiteside is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of special education. Before coming to A&M for the professor position, she worked in clinics, provided in-home behavioral services, served as an elementary special education teacher for several years, and a school consultant for challenging behavior. Her areas of interest include supporting challenging behavior, promoting effective small group instruction, and supporting pre- and in-service special educators. At A&M, she teaches courses on assessment and IEPs, supporting behavior needs, instructional strategies, low-incidence disabilities, and applied behavior analysis. Check out Dr. Whiteside’s 2021 Voice of Impact talk, “Communication: Translating Others’ Behavior” on Youtube (



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