Affiliated Faculty Seminar Series: Academic Instruction for students with extensive support needs: Making Learning Meaningful
Affiliated Faculty Seminar Series:
Supporting Students with IDD Through the Education Experience
About the seminar series:
Speaker: Julie L. Thompson, PhD, BCBA-D, is an Assistant Professor of Special Education
Tuesday, April 5th
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Rudder Tower Rm 401
Teaching grade-aligned academics to students with extensive support needs can seem daunting. This presentation will provide guidance on how to apply evidence-based practices you may already be familiar with to teach grade-aligned academic instruction in reading and math with students with extensive support needs such as moderate to severe intellectual disability and/or profound autism. This presentation may be helpful to family members, teachers, paraprofessionals, clinicians, and related service providers.
Length of presentation:
1.5 hours
Short Bio
Julie L. Thompson, PhD, BCBA-D, is an Assistant Professor of Special Education, Dr. Deanna and Thomas Yates Faculty Fellow, Behavioral Learning INterventions in Children (BLINC) Lab Director and Affiliated Faculty Member of the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University.
My work as a classroom teacher for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) gave me insight into the layered complexities of providing adequate education to individuals with ASD in public schools. This has guided my decision making and emphasis on feasibility, social validity, and support of diverse populations. My personal research examines explicit instruction procedures to teach academic and language skills to ethnically and linguistically diverse children with profoud autism and other intellectual disabilities at home and in public school settings both through directly examining effectiveness of instructional procedures and curriculum as well as training parents and practitioners. Through my experience as director of the Behavioral Learning INterventions for Children (BLINC) Lab, I have in-depth experience in leading, guiding, and mentoring practitioners, university students, and junior colleagues in research and service activities. I am or have been PI on five externally funded awards totaling $2,224,370 and Co-PI on two externally funded awards totaling $8,826,637. I am currently principal investigator of “Project TAPP: Tackling Autism via Paraprofessional Preparation”, in which we are training paraprofessionals across the state of Texas and researching the effectiveness of our multi-tiered approach to providing ongoing coaching and support, and “Recruit-Prepare-Retain Squared (PhD Scholars and Pre-Service Teachers)” a personnel development grant to train doctoral scholars as experts in special education teacher preparation research and implementation. I have 20 peer-reviewed publications, 52 peer-reviewed presentations, and am or have supervised 20 doctoral graduate students.
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