South Texas Regional Conference
Building Transition Capacity for Younger Teens
January 24-25, 2023
Tuesday, January 24
8:30 a.m., San Juan and Espada
9:10 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Texas A&M and TWC’s Capacity Building Project
9:30 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Transition Assessment: Start Early and Start Right
10:20 a.m.
Coffee Break and Networking
10:30 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Predictors and Practices for Positive Post-school Outcomes for Young Teens with Disabilities
11:15 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Translating Assessment Data to Create Meaningful Transition Plans
Noon-1:15 p.m., San Juan and Espada
Lunch Buffet
Breakout Sessions, 1:15-2:15 p.m.
VR Counselors, San Jose
What Does Transition Look Like at School?
Educators, Concepcion
Top Five Things for Educators to Know About VR
Erin Wilder, M.Ed., C.R.C. and Leigh Ann Godinez, C.R.C., L.P.C
2:30 p.m., San Juan and Espada
Serving Younger Teens in Rural Areas: iGROW
Meagan Orsag, Ph.D., and the iGROW Team
3:45 p.m., San Juan and Espada
Reflection & Recap
Wednesday, January 25
8 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Coffee and Check-in
8:30 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Building and Sustaining Local Partnerships
North East ISD-VR Team
Facilitated by Joette Hardin, M.Ed.
9:15 a.m., San Juan and Espada
11 a.m., San Juan and Espada
Share Outs
11:45 a.m.
State Resources
- 2-1-1 Texas
- Aging and Disability Resource Center (Locations)
- ARC of Texas
- Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program
- Centers for Independent Living
- Child Protective Services (CPS)
- Foster Care (CPS)
- Coalition of Texas with Disabilities
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HHS)
- Disability Rights Texas
- Disability Service of the Southwest (Locations)
- Early Childhood Intervention Services (Local programs)
- Goodwill Industries
- Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities
- Texas Health and Human Services
- Partners Resource Network
- Regional Transportation Authority (Find yours)
- Salvation Army – Texas Division
- Small Business Development (SBD) Texas
- Special Olympics of Texas
- State Medicaid Agency
- Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN)
- Texas Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (TAER)
- Texas Parent to Parent
- Texas Workforce Commission
- United Way