About us
Mission of the CDD
We support individuals with disabilities and their families to be change agents who are valued, contributing community members, as self-defined, through education, research, and knowledge dissemination.
Four core functions of the CDD:
- Community Services: provides training, and technical assistance to individuals with disabilities, their families, and those who support them.
- Research and Evaluation: to improve school services and outcomes, and increase the quality of community life.
- Interdisciplinary Pre-service: offers disability-related training through Texas A&M University.
- Information Dissemination: develops tools for people with disabilities and their support systems.
History of the CDD
The Center on Disability and Development began work in July 2005 when it was awarded federal funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to establish a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). As a UCEDD, the Center is part of a national network in universities and medical schools.
In April 2007, the CDD received approval from the Board of Regents to operate as a designated Center within the Texas A&M University System. In 2015, the CDD was awarded renewal funding to take the programs of the Center through 2020.
Over the years and continuing into the future, the CDD has partnered with local and state organizations to develop and implement outreach entities that will:
- Ensure the CDD’s efforts are directly connected to education, community inclusion, and family support issues, and
- Provide opportunities through which quality pre-service training, relevant and rigorous research, and exemplary community services and training can be implemented in full partnership with self-advocates and family members.
Our Team
The CDD is staffed by Texas A&M University faculty and professionals who represent a wide range of human service disciplines.
The Center is advised by a Constituent Advisory Committee (CAC), which helps ascertain and represent the interests of people served and affected by the CDD programs and activities; and provides input to the CDD staff on the development, implementation and progress of the CDD’s five-year plan.
Our Partnerships
To accomplish our mission and better serve the community, the CDD partners with several organizations nationally, statewide, and locally.