Beacons of Excellence Project
In collaboration with University of North Texas and Texas Workforce Commission, the purpose of The Beacons of Excellence (TBE) is to educate employers who use sub-minimum wage contracts about the benefits of competitive, integrated employment. The partnership will create the Texas Beacons of Excellence (TBE) to help employers enhance their skills in recruiting, retaining, and accommodating employees with disabilities.
The program will use a three-pronged approach to achieve the goal of helping subminimum wage earners with disabilities receive higher wages:
- TBE will partner with in-demand businesses to identify local career opportunities and improve employers’ abilities to hire, train, and retain persons with disabilities.
- TBE will collaborate with public and private employers with Section 14C certificates, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, to adapt their business models to emphasize customized and supported employment arrangements.
- TBE will create a pipeline from high school to competitive, integrated employment to provide students with disabilities informed choices though career guidance, training, and work experience that result in higher wages.
Program staff
Robin Miller – Director of Employment Programs
Jana Bishop – Program Coordinator
Jana Bishop – Program Coordinator